Buy this product here: Vietnam Veteran We were the best America had Brothers who fought without America’s support poster Home page: Kernelshirt Shop We do not claim that clown. What an embarrassment. Our trump rallies in CT have been BIG peaceful EXCITING and fun. The support has been phenomenal. And the pushback, comical.Blumenthal is a CANCER in our state. I'm 41 years old, lived in Connecticut my entire life. I can not remember a time where he has done ONE SINGLE GOOD THING for our state. Probably because he is too busy lining his pockets with our tax money.I don’t believe a word the Democrats say. These polls they keep talking about..I’ve never been asked nor has anyone of my friends or family. We’re Trump all the way.So glad you have recovered from your covid Mr. President, we need you to stay strong and healthy. You know what I like about you it's the way you tell the truth! Visit our Social Network: Kernelshirt Pinterest , ...