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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2020
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  Buy this product here: Vietnam Veteran We were the best America had Brothers who fought without America’s support poster   Home page: Kernelshirt Shop    We do not claim that clown. What an embarrassment. Our trump rallies in CT have been BIG peaceful EXCITING and fun. The support has been phenomenal. And the pushback, comical.Blumenthal is a CANCER in our state. I'm 41 years old, lived in Connecticut my entire life. I can not remember a time where he has done ONE SINGLE GOOD THING for our state. Probably because he is too busy lining his pockets with our tax money.I don’t believe a word the Democrats say. These polls they keep talking about..I’ve never been asked nor has anyone of my friends or family. We’re Trump all the way.So glad you have recovered from your covid Mr. President, we need you to stay strong and healthy. You know what I like about you it's the way you tell the truth!         Visit our Social Network: Kernelshirt Pinterest , ...
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  Buy this product here: Your Butt Napkins My Lady Octopus Poster   Home page: Kernelshirt Shop    Great vidoes like this always make me wonder: How did they get that shot? Was the videogarpher in a dive suit? A submersible? Amazing.Totally astounding creature ocean has so much to teach us still haven't touched 10% of all its hidden secrets. Interesting. Now he is moving in marathon style with some Michael Jackson musical influence. At 100 meters fences is something else, it uses all 8 members on the go.That’s how they will move from water to land and conquer humans!Wait, so if they can walk on the sea floor, and breath on dry land, then men in black just got real. Real quick.         Visit our Social Network: Kernelshirt Pinterest , Instagram , Twitter  and Our blog kernelshirt.over-blog , Kernelshirts.blogspot
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  Buy this product here: I am a veteran I believe in God Family and country I will salute my flag I am a proud American poster   Home page: Kernelshirt Shop    Every sensible patriotic American is grateful for what you have accomplished for our Nation in the past 4 years. I pray that God will create a path for you to lead us until 2024.Yes, I thank God for you, too, Mr. President. We did not know what a great president really looked like before you! I believe He put you in office for a purpose. I pray He wants you to finish the job. If not, know that we will support you and may God continue to bless you and your family.Thank you Franklin Graham for these kind words about our President. He truly has done so much for this country.Keep the faith, though its difficult. Rejoice in hope, endure troubles, continue in prayer. God will take His children forward, even through deep waters and raging fires He will protect and guide us. Evildoers will be dealt with thoroughly. ...
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  Buy this product here: You don’t stop flying when you get old You get old when you stop flying poster   Home page: Kernelshirt Shop    Absolutely fascinating!! Cats are sooo smart!! Way to go and thanks for keeping her! She obviously LOVES YOU.Beautiful furbaby full of love has found her furever friend and furever home. Be Good Be Happy.That is amazing how she jumps on your back like that! She is a beautiful, sweet kitty.When an animal bonds with a human, it is unbreakable. Anya was meant to be in your life and you in hers. Bless you both. Have a wonderful Merry Christmas!What a wonderful story! She is beautiful and I am so happy for both of you.My cat Rosie constanly jumps on my shoulders too and my back, with the claws out. I know he means well but draws blood... Ouch!! I still love him to pieces tho. ( Named him Rosie after Rosie Greer, the NFL Football player)         Visit our Social Network: Kernelshirt Pinterest , Instagram , Twitter ...
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  Buy this product here: And into the sky I go to lose my mind and find my soul poster   Home page: Kernelshirt Shop    True story I met him when I was a extra on the movie Up In The AIR it was shot up at the hertz rent a car up by the air port he was doing his scene came up to me and this other guy said "Hi im George" I shook his hand and said "who"? And smiled he didnt smile back.I DON'T CARE WHAT GEORGE CLOONEY THINKS! He is just a paid entertainer which puts him just below the dog catcher in how important his opinion is.The good news for me, is it does not matter what the subject is, what George Clooney thinks has zero bearing on my life.Hey Georgie Boy...piss off. First off..you be rich not smart not a Doctor and guess what not paying our taxes, our mortgage. All you just did was make sure we will never watch a movie made, produced or stared in by you. Here is a great idea...listen to the People. . Might learn something shitbird.         Vis...
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  Buy this product here: Everything will kill you so choose something fun Snowcross poster   Home page: Kernelshirt Shop    No matter what happens on January 20 God is still in control, my desire like million others is for you to stay as President, your are the greatest President in my lifetime and I thank God for all that you have done.Somebody help this nation, please. It is being stolen from us and our ancestors who gave their lives for this constitution and freedom from people who are taken control.....please help us!Release all the information from Durham Barr and everyone else who knows what has happened to our great country.I agree with Texas, if a state is willing to violate the constitution then other states have the right and obligation to form a union to overcome any harm that may be caused by such unconstitutional Acts!USA is a fraud you have uncovered soooooo much and opened our eyes and the people who can’t see this are just blind. I pray for this coun...
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  Buy this product here: I love freedom I wore dog tags I have a DD-214 I served my country I am a Navy Veteran poster   Home page: Kernelshirt Shop    Effective in brainwashing and manipulating the minds of people. They do it by using fear and outright falsehoods to fire people up. It is much easier to do that if you can get someone to believe something is being stolen from them. Like their religion, their culture, or their guns. It also works when they tell their viewers and listeners that something is being forced on them, like Abortion rights, LGBT rights and even Equal Rights. In some people, the indoctrination is so effective, it can make a person vote against their own best interests. Unfortunately, we need to exclude them from any fact based discussions. All I can say is - shame on them. They are still trying to destroy our democracy with their cries of election fraud and their belief that requiring masks is "unconstitutional." I ask them this question, "Why...
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  Buy this product here: I love freedom I wore dog tags I have a DD-214 I served my country I am a Navy Veteran poster   Home page: Kernelshirt Shop    Thank you for your common sense, education, and wisdom throughout the years. May God lead and bless you and your family.Just lick this bump in you life. You have to much more to do, and we love you. Merry Christmas.Thank you,Rush. Have a blessed Christmas and stay positive and well.I have listened to you for so long, I feel like a sister. If I have ever disagreed with you, it must have been a very small thing. I’m not a religious person but I pray for you.Love you Rush. Enjoyed.your EIB show.for the past 32 years. Learned so much from.you. the show was.entertaining and informative. Pray that God will bless you with good health. Have a very merry Christmas and a new year filled with good health.         Visit our Social Network: Kernelshirt Pinterest , Instagram , Twitter  and Our blog k...
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  Buy this product here: If everything is under control You are just not driving fast enough Sir Stirling Moss poster   Home page: Kernelshirt Shop      I am very proud of these legislative leaders for doing the right thing. It makes us feel that our vote in AZ mattered. Thank you for not dismissing the compelling testimony from eyewitnesses who had the courage to come forward.Praying for your strength to stay the course, stay in the fight, and honor God, as He is using you, just as you have been prophesied over.As a citizen of AZ I sincerely thank you. Stop the steal! We demand the truth. Not 10 Biden signs anywhere and he wins AZ. No....we know the truth! It's up to you to not let them get away with this!FINALLY SOMEONE IN ARIZONA IS LISTENING TO US!! Thank you for fighting so hard to make this happen, PDJT! It's a step in the right direction for our state         Visit our Social Network: Kernelshirt Pinterest , Instagram , Twitter ...
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Buy this product here: It cannot be inherited nor can it be purchased I have earned it with my blood sweat and tears The title forever mine firefighter poster   Home page: Kernelshirt Shop    Positive energy, passion, joy, youthful feeling, hope for a lively and vibrant life, and much more ... Thank you for the very popular, beautiful, sweet and very lovable artist .happy moments beautiful flower.your couleur in the 5 chakra is light blue silver and green blue, mantra ham: light blue opens your sprituel inspiration, the best is blue sky.My favourite colour is: blonde for your hair, green for your eyes, red for your lips and nails, nude for your skin and white for your beautiful mind..I love that you know black is not a color but a lack of color , I learned that from someone way smarter than me my daughte         Visit our Social Network: Kernelshirt Pinterest , Instagram , Twitter  and Our blog kernelshirt.over-blog , Kernelshirts.blogspot
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    Buy this product here: If everything is under control You are just not driving fast enough Moto Racing poster   Home page: Kernelshirt Shop    And for delivering all of our supplies to each house during the pandemic year!! God bless them all. Thank you.How often do you hear the US President thank a UPS or FedEx employee! I share his sentiment! Thank you for your essential and difficult work throughout this extremely difficult year! You are the Heros of 2020! Merry Christmas.Thank you President Trump for praising the delivery service . I worked for FedEx for 23 and a half years. They sacrifice being with family especially during holidays to make sure packages get delivered. And they working so hard to get the vaccine delivered. Love you President Trump         Visit our Social Network: Kernelshirt Pinterest , Instagram , Twitter  and Our blog kernelshirt.over-blog , Kernelshirts.blogspot
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    Buy this product here: The hardest part of my job is being nice to people who think they know how to do my job Nurse shirt   Home page: Kernelshirt Shop    I love this story and glad the cat had a happy ending. My one daughter hated cats until we found our first one in a ditch when going on a walk while they were playing Pokémon Go. Thankfully he was meowing so my other daughter heard him. Now my daughter loves all of our cats we’ve gotten since and she was even the one who brought home two of them.Luna is gorgeous. Love her name. I’m so happy she chose you guys to adopt her. Thank you for rescuing her. Kittens are so much fun. I have 3 cats i love them to death         Visit our Social Network: Kernelshirt Pinterest , Instagram , Twitter  and Our blog kernelshirt.over-blog , Kernelshirts.blogspot